Alcoholic Beverages Acquirable by Restaurants & Hospitality Establishments in Maryland

* All prices retail. (Contact wineries/distributors for wholesale prices.)

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Click on products below for purchasing information.

  • Clear Creek Raspberry Liqueur

    Variety: Red Raspberry
    Made by: Clear Creek Distillery,

    For our Raspberry Liqueur we follow-up the intense nose of fruit with a lovely, strong, fresh red raspberry flavor that you’d expect from the aroma. Like our other liqueurs, it is made with our clear fruit brandy and perfectly ripe fruit, and the result is a beautiful, lightly sweet, distinctly raspberry liqueur. More…

    $22.45 Suggested retail price. *
    No Sulfites Added

  • Clear Creek Loganberry Liqueur

    Variety: Loganberry
    Made by: Clear Creek Distillery,

    Clear Creek’s Loganberry Liqueur is made by macerating Oregon-grown loganberries in clear fruit brandy that we distill. The nose is that of a juicy warm loganberry on the vine on a hot summer afternoon, the flavor is lightly sweetened ripe berry, and it finishes with a satisfying natural tartness of the berry. Terrific over vanilla ice cream, in champagne, or neat in a glass. More…

    $22.45 Suggested retail price. *
    No Sulfites Added

  • Clear Creek Blackberry Liqueur

    Variety: Blackberry
    Made by: Clear Creek Distillery,

    Clear Creek combines wild Evergreen and the premium, exclusively Oregon-grown Marion for a rich, earthy, ripe berry liqueur. A wonderful dessert cordial and excellent on chocolate ice cream. More…

    $22.45 Suggested retail price. *
    No Sulfites Added

  • Clear Creek Cassis Liqueur

    Variety: Black Currant
    Made by: Clear Creek Distillery,

    We macerate organic black currants in our clear fruit brandy and the result is truly wonderful: a tart, lightly sweet, slightly earthy liqueur with huge fruit flavor. Lovely in the classic Kir and Kir Royale (cassis in white wine or champagne, respectively) or sipped on its own. More…

    $22.45 Suggested Retail Price *
    Made with Organic Fruit, No Sulfites Added

  • Raspberry Merlot

    Variety: Red Raspberry
    Made by: Fabbioli Cellars, Virginia

    Red raspberry wine and estate Merlot mingle to create a less-sweet dessert wine perfect for chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. More…

    $24.00 ($42 for 750ml full-size bottle also available) *
    Blended Wine, Dessert Wine

  • Eden Vermont Ice Cider — Calville Blend

    Variety: Apple
    Made by: Eden Ice Cider, Vermont

    This wildly acclaimed/medal-winning desert cider is Eden’s flagship product. In addition to MacIntosh and Empire, Russets provide full-bodied sweetness, Calville Blancs provide acidity and citrus notes for balance, and Ashmead’s Kernels provide natural tannins for structure. More…

    $27.00 *
    Dessert Wine, Still Cider

  • Windfall Orchard Ice Cider

    Variety: Apple
    Made by: Eden Ice Cider, Vermont

    Chef Brad Koehler grows more than eighty varieties of heirloom apples in his three-acre orchard in Cornwall Vermont. We use over thirty of them in this “ultimate blend” ice cider. More…

    $27.00 Also sold in 187ml bottle for $17 (but currently sold out) *
    Dessert Wine, Still Cider

  • Clear Creek White Label Apple Brandy (aged 2 years)

    Variety: Apple
    Made by: Clear Creek Distillery,

    This is the same as the eau de vie de pomme, but aged only two years in Limousin oak. This is the one you use to make fruitcake, to deglaze a pan-fried steak, for the recipe that calls for Calvados, in some dandy apple brandy cocktails and wherever “applejack” is called for. Great in a wintertime toddy too. “A great bargain.” More…

    $27.95 Suggested retail price. Also sold in 375ml size for $17.95, suggested retail price. *
    Brandy, Eau de Vie, Spirit
    No Sulfites Added

  • Orleans

    Variety: Anise Hyssop, Apple, Basil
    Made by: Eden Ice Cider, Vermont

    This elegant artisanal wine was developed in collaboration with maître liquoriste Deirdre Heekin. Using our Northern winter cold to concentrate fresh-pressed cider from Vermont apples, we fermented the concentrate to make a pure dry wine infused with a special blend of organic Vermont-grown herbs. More…

    $29.00 *
    Still Cider, Wine
    Made with Organic Herbs

  • Clear Creek Cranberry Liqueur

    Variety: Cranberry
    Made by: Clear Creek Distillery,

    A savvy grower from Bandon persuaded us to create a liqueur with this beautiful fruit and we are very pleased with the results. This liqueur is entirely true to the cranberries: dark red, tart, lightly sweet, and very fruity. More…

    $29.95 Suggested retail price. *
    No Sulfites Added

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