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Latah Creek Maywine

Latah Creek Maywine

Thursday, September 22, 2011

“Our staff picks this wine to drink more often than any other wine. The tangy, sweet white wine is complemented perfectly by the fragrant strawberries.

“Maywine has been described as ‘springtime in a bottle.’ It has traditionally been used as a wine for festive occasions, including on May Day in Germany, and signifies the coming of spring, often served from a large bowl.

“We blend premium Washington white wines — usually Riesling,  Chenin Blanc or Gewurztraminer — with fragrant woodruff herbs and natural strawberry concentrate. This wonderfully fruity wine was developed from a family recipe brought to this country years ago by a Hungarian winemaker who years later passed it on to our winemaker. The result is somewhat sweeter than the traditional German Maiwine.” —Latah Creek
