Rustic Washington organic winery opens for the season

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bart Alexander over at China Bend Winery is opening up the cherry wine, dessert wine, fruit wine, honey wine tasting room for the season on April 2nd, and he’s inviting old friends and anyone curious about small-production organic fruit and grape wines to sample away an afternoon at the rustic winery. Tours available, too.

A Washington state treasure on Lake Roosevelt in Kettle Falls, China Bend makes a variety of organic grape wines along with some organic fruit wines, including a 10-year-aged cherry-honey dessert wine he calls Twin Eagles that is one of the most unique wines featured on our site. And it tastes incredible.

Anyone heading to Spokane should consider a road trip north to taste the organic, small-batch difference. Not going to northeastern Washington but live in Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon or Washington? Then order some of Bart’s wines for direct shipment and drink them while you gaze at photos of scenic Lake Roosevelt.

China Bend will be open daily, noon-5pm, closed Sundays, starting April 2nd, 2012.




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